
Information according to § 5 TMG:

Berghotel Hohegeiss
Han Hermanides
Hubertusstrasse 2
38700 Braunlage OT Hohegeiss

Phone: +49 5583 9229027

according to §27a turnover tax law: DE353296900

General Terms and Conditions Berghotel Hohegeis

Rights and obligations arising from the guest accommodation contract Hotel and Restaurant Association (DEHOGA)

As always in business life, room reservations are not without legal regulation. A room reservation made by the guest and accepted by the accommodation establishes a contractual relationship between both parties, the guest accommodation contract. Like all contracts, the guest accommodation contract can only be dissolved with the consent of both parties. In detail, the following rights and obligations result from it:

1.1 The guest accommodation contract is concluded as soon as the room has been ordered and confirmed or, if a confirmation was no longer possible due to time constraints, made available.

1.2 The conclusion of the guest accommodation contract obliges the contracting parties to fulfil the contract, regardless of the duration of the contract.

1.3 The host (landlord) is obliged to pay compensation to the guest if the room is not provided.

1.4 a) In the event of non-utilisation of the contractual services, the guest is obliged to pay the agreed or customary price, minus the expenses saved by the host.
b) Savings are normally 20% for bed and breakfast, 30% for half board, 40% for full board and 10% for bed and breakfast only.

1.5 a) The host is obliged in good faith to reallocate unused rooms if possible in order to avoid cancellations.

b) Until the room is otherwise allocated, the guest shall pay the amount calculated in accordance with clause 4 for the duration of the contract.

1.6 The exclusive place of jurisdiction is the place of operation.

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